1:41 PM

Exciting News!!! (hope it goes through)

Today one of my favorite customers came in to drop off her computer. As most of you know I am a secretary/techie by day,  it pays my bills. Now the reason she is my favorite customer is because she owns a boutique called "Skin" and sells beauty products that are not readily available locally. Every time she comes in we chat it about beauty and girly junk, nothing related to computers. Well I caught her today and decided "hey, why not show your pictures to her?"  Well, the deities must be smiling upon me today...because she wants me. She wants me to work Saturdays as A MAKEUP ARTIST and close the shop down a few nights a week. She is in the process of moving her biz to Bayou Blvd. right now and she wants me to start training ASAP. She even wants to pay for me to get trained in airbrushing (which I am pretty familiar with). I cannot tell you how freakin' excited I am and how long I have been waiting for a break into anything. I don't know, something just told me to show her my stuff. I really hope everything will work for me and this will happen! Now, I'll share the pictures I showed her so you have something pretty to behold. OH...and as soon as we get fully moved into our new apartment I'll have better pictures and lots more content. All of my stuff is in boxes and the only time I am able to update is at work. Stay beautiful everyone!!!!

This image was edited by my great friend Mrs. Carmen Jones

Barbies loves M.A.C

Moody Blues

The original image of the one Carmen edited, inspired by Lady Gaga 2010 Grammy look

something I threw together

Hope everyone has a great day!